There are times in my life when I know God is changing the landscape of my life and I become inpatient and don't want to wait to see the whole picture. Now is definately one of those times.
Seasons in my life have come and gone, but during all of these years, there has been one constant thorn which pricks time and time again. God is working it out, and painting a new picture. The old view however has been there for so long, and many in my life have refused to look at it. We tend to see it for the way we want to see it, and not as how ugly it really is. We see it as part of the far away part of the picture, and don't realize how much it is affecting the here and now.
God has now brought it to the forefront. Something that no longer can be denied, and my family is facing it head on. This new view is not without pain though. Pain of lost years, and lost time based on false gods and idols.
Satan is so sneaky. I believe in God and in Jesus Christ, yet Satan's voice rings loudly in my head telling me "you need to do something to take care of yourself. You need to take action, because God will never take care of you in this particular area of your life. You are on your own. You have had enough chances. No matter how hard you try, you will never be secure in this area and you will always be waiting for the other shoe to drop". What a load of junk!!
Well Satan, I am here to say that I no longer believe your incredibly ridiculous lies. You have led me and my family astray for far too long. I believe in Jesus...and I believe that as long as I keep HIM and my relationship with Him as my top priority, He will provide for me and my family in all areas of our lives. I also believe that when I forget, He is also taking care of me, by giving me nudges and knocks on my head saying "Hear I am!" I believe He wants the best for me and my family and that our lives will be used to bring glory to HIM not to you.
So while I wait for this new picture of my life...Lord I will stay focused on you and all of the gifts you have provided in my life, instead of focusing on Satan's lies. I will put on my coat of armor each morning that you gave me to wear. The sandals of peace, the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit...which is the Word of God.
Ephesians 6:10-19
Absolutely beautiful sister... I love you! I love having you by my side in this journey...