So, we actually did the trip! We went to Gunther Von Hagens' Body World Exibit at the Franklin Institute. I must confess, that when we first arrived, I told Chelsea and her friend Shauni that I may end up throwing up in my mouth, but it didn't happen. Once I got past the idea that these were just bodies and that there was no soul there anymore (and in MY mind they were really plastic figures) I kind of enjoyed it.
It was actually rather interesting to see the human body and how it works. Shauni is going to school to be a nurse, so she was my go to gal when I had any kind of question on what I was looking at. She answered my questions with few breakouts of laughter and sincere respect.
As I was walking through the exhibit and looking at all the different muscles, bones, cartiledge, ligaments, organs, blood vessels, nerves and the like that make up the human body, I was completely overwhelmed with the marvelous creation God built. Yes, I thought this same thing before, but to see it laid out in the manner that it was, you couldn't help but be in awe.
One of the other things that was striking to me, was that my little girl is all grown up now. She handled herself with dignity and grace inside the museum. Even the child inside of me was giggling when we came across a few things, but the two young women who were with me held themselves poised, smiled and moved on. Wow.
So that is about all I'm going to say of the museum, except that if you get a chance to visit it in the next couple of weeks, it will be a pleseant surprise. I don't want to give away all of the secrets, but it was rather fascinating.
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