Sunday, February 8, 2009

Closing their eyes for last time

Death. Not a favorite topic and always a tough one. Who enjoys saying good-bye to loved ones? Who enjoys watching their friends and family grieve the loss of their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, friends, lovers and yes - even pets? Not I, that's for darn sure. I've lost my fair share, just in the last year alone. I'm writing this to honor those that I have lost and maybe help comfort those who are in the process of grieving today and offer guidance to those who have yet to lose someone they loved.

My first experience of losing someone was extremely traumatic and changed my life forever. Ohh, I may have lost a pet or two, and I'm sure there may have been a couple of other deaths before it, but this is the one that I remember the most and taught me the greatest lesson in life.

I was 11 years old, and was spending the weekend with my dad. My mom and dad were divorced when I was 4 or 5 and had both remarried by this point. My dad and brother went out canoeing, and my dad never came back. You see, he didn't think he needed a life preserver, he knew how to swim. When the boat capsized, it hit him on the head and the current took him away. I was so darn mad at him for even going out on that water, that I yelled at him and said "I hate you!", before he left. Well, that was the last I said to him. They found him 10 days later and buried him the day before my 12th birthday.

My story is to offer you the lesson I learned. Before the ones you love leave this world, make sure you tell them how much they mean to you. How they have made a difference in your life. How they have affected you as a human being and what you will take with you when they are gone. Make amends for your wrong doings before it's too late. We are all children of God, and unfortunately we do hurt other people. Sometimes intentionally, and sometimes unintentionally. Forgive those that have hurt you, before it's too late. We never know when God is going to need more angels, so it's important to love them while they are here and tell them you love them. Don't let things unsaid, it will cause you more pain than you will ever know. When their time comes to be with the Lord, you will be able to rejoice and lift them up to the Lord. Although there will still be pain, and sadness and a great sense of loss, you will know in your heart that you've said everything there is to say, and you will be able to let go.

It took me many, many years to learn these lessons and finally be able to let go of the guilt I held in my heart. Don't let it be too late for you.


  1. Well, serenelife, you have had a huge impact on my life and the lives of my children and I thank God everyday that He put you in my life when he did AND that you are still here! I don't think I could ever express how much you mean to me and I am grateful that when it is our time to go we will be in the same place!

  2. You are a very inspirational writer and these are very moving words!! The part about your dad touches me deeply and I just want to give you a huge hug. How brave of you to share your story. You have such an incredible God given gift to touch hearts and inspire and I thank you for sharing that gift every day with me. I love you!!
