Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Food for Thought

Forgiveness. Has anyone ever hurt you so deeply that you feel the scars will never heal? I am here to say that I have. But I have been given the gift of forgiveness. All the pain and all the hurt from my past and present have been lifted from me and I have been set free. Who am I to judge others? Do I want them to judge me? I have made numerous mistakes in my past, and have tried to make amends for them all. If I expect forgiveness, I must first be willing to forgive. Where did this start? It started with forgiving myself for all the wrongs I had done others, and asking God to forgive me as well. I falter everyday, but I ask forgiveness at night and am given the grace each morning to make amends for my wrong doings.

My faith was tested yesterday by someone who is very ill in a disease. I felt as if I was wronged by all the lying and the manipulation. I must get to a place of forgiveness for this child of God in order to help her and show her that life can be beyond her wildest dreams, if only she can get to a place of honesty. I expected those to forgive me when I was in that place, is it not my duty and obligation to forgive her as well? Won't God forgive her? Doesn't she have her own journey and don't I believe that God is watching out for all of us? Hurt people will hurt others. I have, and so will others.

My point is this. Don't take things personally. We don't know what is going on with other people and where they are at emotionally and spiritually. When you extend your hand to help others, expect nothing in return. The gift of being able to give is the reward.


  1. You said it. Forgiveness is key, and judgment is not our duty... Thanks for this message.

  2. Is it a God thing or what?? I have seriously been reflecting on forgiveness especially in light of the news today. In spite of myself I have been able to forgive which also gives me the ability to see the good in someone even though they hurt me in a way I had thought would never heal. It definitely is a God thing because the way I am - I really thought I could hang on to the hurt and wear it like a badge of honor. But with help from someone who loved us both I was able to see how forgiveness was the only way to heal. It didn't mean things would be the same or I had to let this person in my life ever again. I feel really sad today that the words were never said to let this person know I had forgiven. In my own way I will be able to say them to her. And that my friend is a miracle. I love you!
