Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are you first or last?

The point I am pondering today from my book is this: Jesus didn't just say, "Be satisfied if you are given the lowest seat"; he said, "Take the lowest place."  Basically, do I compare outwardly my position because I care about the "status" in the community, or inwardly my position because I care about what God wants me to be and do?

Type A:  Am I about how far up the latter I get?  What position in line I am?  How many places I've traveled?  How high my paycheck is?  How big my house is?  Are my clothes in fashion?  What kind of car I drive?  How many degrees I have?  What's my status in the socialite circle?  Do I have the perfect marriage?

or am I

Type B: How many people can I help today?  Where can I be useful?  Where can I be a servant?  Where would God have me?

This is my black and white thinking.  Either I am Type A, or I am Type B.  Really, I am somewhere in between today.  I am striving for Type B, and more times than not I am living there.  It's when I see the Jones' living more towards Type A and they seem happy, that I start getting competitive and wanting the same things again that I had.  What is that?  My humanism?  Satan creeping in?  I think both.  I need to remember where Type A got me.....to Type B.  God is SO good!

I also have to remember that even though it may appear that the Jones' are leaning towards Type A, that just like me, it may be just a blip and then the scale will start shifting again to Type B.

One last point, if you are thinking I am writing this about you, then you might want to take a look at how often you are living in Type A.....because this story, was really about me.  :-)

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