Most of the time I demand to have immediate gratification for my decisions. When that happens, I am happy for a small period of time (days, weeks or even maybe a couple of years) and then I move on to something else I think I want and demand to have that instead. It's those things that I wait for and work towards, and those things that are given to me which I don't understand but I keep and realize the significance of, that mean the most to me.
I've been reading The Relationship Principles of Jesus by Tom Hollady, which is a 40 day journey in developing the relationship skills that Jesus teaches us about. Today's reading was about Matthew 18:4 "Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven".
Do I go to God demanding that he fixes certain situations I am in (and tell him exactly the way it should be fixed)? Do I force solutions/relationships in order to have that quick fix because I'm not trusting God enough to let him work in my life and put before me those things that are good for me? Am I so caught up in what I think is best that I completely miss what God put before me? My answer to these questions is absolutely, but not all the time.
Patience is one of the scariest things to pray for, but yet the most rewarding. When I can completely turn my life over to God and ask Him to take care of all my needs and wants, I have freedom from worry and am able to enjoy my life for I know that He will take care of me, no matter what and I feel safe! I know that He will provide for me things that were not even in my thoughts, for I limit myself, but He knows my full potential and works on bringing that out in me and for me to work for His glory.
I remember when I was little asking my dad for material things (wants) all the time, and he provided them. He was a care free character who revelled in the material things of this world and thought he was indestructible, which was his demise. On the other hand, my mom provided all of my needs. I know it was hard for her and that she struggled financially to provide clothing, food, shelter and that she struggled internally as well and sacrificed more than I will ever know. Which was more of an example of God's love to me? My mother is one of the purest examples of Jesus' sacrifice for my sins than anyone in my life. She shows unconditional love for ALL her children, she does everything possible to provide for our needs, yet lets us learn our own lessons and is there for us when we fall. For Christmas I could always count on my dad buying us what we asked for, yet my mom would buy us things that we never thought of. This was incredible, because she always knew what we needed without us asking her. Even though we may not have appreciated it right when we got it all the time, we eventually realized it was something we really needed.
Mom, I love you and thank you for your example. If I can be half of the example you have been to me to my children and to other people I come in contact with, then I hope I have made you and God proud. Your love, mom, multiplied 1 trillion is not even close to God's love for me and I cannot fathom it, for your love has been so great.
Great post; I love the analogy and a very special and lovely tribute to your awesome and loving mother!! XO